Obituaries » Bobbie L. Whitley
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Show Obituaries Show Guestbook Show Photos QR Code PrintBobbie L. Whitley
June 30, 1941 – October 7, 2023
Burial Date October 27, 2023
Funeral Home R. A. Prince Funeral Services
Church Lee Road Baptist Church
Friday (10/27): Memorial Service – 11AM; Lee Road Baptist Church
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Obituary Viewed 1307 times
Posted by:
Donya Waugh
Posted on:
October 27, 2023
Auntie Bobbie, I will miss you so much. I remember when Robert first walked me down the street to meet you. You and Uncle Harry were so welcoming and sweet. You all further help me see that Robert was good people. I had no idea that one day we’d be living down the street from you. Those were some of best years of my kids’ lives. They loved seeing you ride your Cadillac down the street as you’d stop to say hello. They loved trick-or-treating at your house each year. They loved when you would help Robert and I out by getting them off the school bus and babysitting them for us we got home from work. They loved going to your house when you would tell them to come down and get their presents, money for good grades, or to get a nice warm hug. I loved being near you too. Me and you talked about everything- God, fashion, motherhood, marriage- everything. You always had a poignant word and Bible verse for me. You and Uncle Harry were definitely #couplegoals. You shared me so much wisdom and empowered me as a wife and mom. I can still say that you have lifted me up more than almost anyone else in my life. You gave me confidence and reassurance. The last time I talked with you, you told me that when you close your eyes, you imagine that you with Uncle Harry. I’m so glad you get to be with him now. I’m also glad that I got to become family with you and the rest of the family. This family has had so many great big losses and you are definitely one of them. We will try to go on, hearing your voice and Bible verses in our heads. We will hear you say, “Trust in God” and we promise we will. I love you so much! -Donya